The Model-Based Learning Management to Enhance Critical Thinking and Learning Achievement on the Cell and Cell Function of Grade 10 Students




Model-Based Learning; , Learning Achievement; , Critical Thinking


Education development in the 21st century should instill students with critical thinking skills. To teach pupils how to think analytically, distinguish information received, and adapt to changing times. Model-based learning management encourages students to take action. starting from the thought process retrieving information fact study and then taken into consideration and analyzed reasonably lead to conclusions and then used to create a model. This will help encourage students to critical thinking. The purposes of this research were 1) to compare the critical thinking of grade 10 students before and after model-based learning management and 2) to compare learning achievement on the Cell and Cell Function of grade 10 students after the model-based learning management with criteria of 70 percent. The sample group in the study was 26 grade 10 students from Borabue Wittayakarn School, in the first semester of the 2022 school year. They were selected by cluster random sampling. The research instruments included: 1) the eight model-based learning management plans throughout a 12-hour period. The appropriateness of the developed model-based learning lesson plans were indicated by 5 experts at the highest level, the average scores were between 4.46-4.60 ( = 0.02-0.15), 2) the 20 items of four multiple choices critical thinking test based on Ennis and Millman with IOC in the range of 0.80-1.00, discrimination power (r) in the range of 0.46-0.69 and reliability (KR-20) of 0.92 and 3) the 20 items of four multiple choices learning achievement test based on Klopfer with IOC in the range of 0.60-1.00, item difficulty in the range 0.32-0.76, discrimination power (r) in the range of 0.24-0.75 and reliability (Lovett) of 0.89. The research findings showed that 1) Grade 10 students had critical thinking after the model-based learning management statistically higher than before the learning at the significance level of .05. Considering each aspect, the critical thinking in inductive was the highest score and ability to consider the reliability of the data source and observation was the lowest score, and 2) learning achievement of grade 10 students after the model-based learning was higher than the criteria of 70 percent at the .05 level of statistical significance.

Author Biography

Pornpimon Phothaisong, Master’s Degree Student of Science Education Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Maha sarakham University, Thailand



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How to Cite

Phothaisong, P., & Dokmai, P. . (2023). The Model-Based Learning Management to Enhance Critical Thinking and Learning Achievement on the Cell and Cell Function of Grade 10 Students. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 465–480.