The Project-Based Learning on Electrochemistry to Promote Creative Thinking and Learning Achievement of Grade 11 Students
Project-Based Learning; , Creative Thinking; , Learning AchievementAbstract
Current education management science and technology are very important. Cultivating and transferring knowledge of science appropriate to their potential and aptitude. It is therefore important to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed in the 21st century. The objectives of this research were to (1) compare the creative thinking of grade 11 students before and after the project-based learning and (2) compare learning achievement on Electrochemistry of grade 11 students before and after the project-based learning. The sample group consisted of 38 secondary students at grade 11, from Anukoolnaree school in the second semester of the academic year 2022. The Cluster Random Sampling technique was implemented for the sampling. Research instruments included (1) the project-based learning lesson plans for 20 hours, (2) the 5 items written tests of creative thinking, and (3) the 30 items of four multiple-choice achievement tests on Electrochemistry. The data analysis statistics were mean, standard deviation), and t–tests for the Dependent Sample. The result found that (1) Grade 11 students had creative thinking scores after the project-based learning higher than before the learning at a .05 statistical significance level. When considering each aspect, it was found that after the project-based learning, students had the highest creative thinking in Fluency, followed by Flexibility, Originality, and Elaboration, respectively and (2) Grade 11 students had higher learning achievement after the project-based learning higher than before the learning at a .05 statistical significance level.
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