Competency Analysis of Education Administrators in the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area in the Disruptive Era




Educational Administrators Competency; , Disruption; , Education Management; , Secondary Education Service Area Office


Educational administrators who are very important in driving policy into practice, are at the heart of enhancing the quality of education for success. The Educational administrators must therefore be capable persons with higher operational competencies in line with expected academic status and must have the ability to develop learners. Thus, the objectives of this research were 1) to study the state of education management in the time of disruption era, and 2) to study and analyze the competencies of educational administrators under the Office of Secondary Education Service Areas in the time of disruption era. The tool used in this research is a semi-structured interview with predetermined and open-ended questions. Research informants are groups of people with specific qualifications in function, divided into 3 groups: competency experts, educational administration experts, and academic experts. There were 9 people in total. Content analysis is a method used to analyze data to explain the alignment between the competencies of educational administrators for educational management in times of disruption and the experiences of research participants. The results showed that educational management in this era requires a multifaceted approach that considers the changing roles of teachers, classrooms, students, assessment, and policy. Education administrators must have a broad vision to develop policies that encompass all dimensions of education: 1) the Dimension of mobility, 2) the Dimension of educational quality, 3) the Dimension of educational opportunities, and, 4) the Dimension of educational management. And the competencies of educational administrators affiliated with the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area in the era of transformation, resulting from this research, include 1) Technological competency, 2) Language competency, 3) Moral and ethical competency, 4) Problem-solving competency, 5) Good management competency, 6) Strategic and innovative thinking competency, 7) Change management competency, 8) Competency in synthesizing ideas, 9) Competency in inspiring others, 10) Competency in being able to move easily and quickly.


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How to Cite

Maithong, U., & Phetmalaikul, T. . (2023). Competency Analysis of Education Administrators in the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area in the Disruptive Era. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 425–446.