Development of Training Courses to Enhance the Ability to Organize Teaching English for Elementary Teachers under the Local Government Administrative Organization in Khon Kaen




Training Courses;, Teaching and Learning English


  English is the common language used to communicate. Thai people should have a good basic knowledge of English to communicate effectively. English teachers need to raise and improve themselves first and foremost. They are ready to learn management skills to keep up with changes. Therefore, the researcher has developed a training curriculum to promote English language learning management skills for primary school teachers. The purposes of this research were 1) to study the basics of the training curriculum development, 2) to develop the curriculum, 3) to test the curriculum, and 4) to study the effectiveness of the training curriculum. The research was divided into 4 phases. Phase 1 is to study basic data. Phase 2 is to develop the curriculum. Phase 3 is to start the curriculum. The last phase is to study its effectiveness. The samples in the study are 170 elementary English teachers in the schools under the local government administrative organization in Khon Kaen Province by the training need survey. 118 people as determined samples are obtained by using the Craigie and Morgan tables. The interviewed group is 10 elementary school principals with primary English teachers. They are selected by purposive sampling. Target groups target experts in the seminar based on connoisseurship. The tools for data collection are questionnaires, interview forms, conformity assessment forms, and appropriate and necessary tests. Statistics for data analysis are percentage, mean, standard deviation, and One-Samples t-test. The results showed that (1) A study of basic information for the training curriculum development found that most English teachers at the elementary level did not complete the English major and have a desire for self-improvement in teaching and learning with training in all aspects at a high level. (2) The development of the training g course consists of 7 parts: 1) background and importance of the problem, 2) principles, 3) objectives, 4) content, 5) training activities, 6) media and learning resources, and 7) evaluation and assessment. The quality assessment of the curriculum was evaluated by the experts. It was found that the curriculum is commodified and suitable at a high level. (3) The experimental training showed that 30 participants who had scored credit before and after the course enhanced their organized teaching English delivered process and outcome efficiently by more than 80 percent, statistically significant at the .01 level. And (4)   The results of the study of the effectiveness of the training program found that the learning management plan of the trained English teachers overall had the appropriate quality at the highest level, and elementary school students had overall opinions on teaching and learning management at a high level.


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How to Cite

Baobuangoen, J., Sujaree, T. ., & Jantachum, N. . (2023). Development of Training Courses to Enhance the Ability to Organize Teaching English for Elementary Teachers under the Local Government Administrative Organization in Khon Kaen. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 603–624.