Micro-Learning Management on the Transmission Genetics to Enhance Motivation of Grade 10 Students





Micro-Learning; , Learning Achievement; , Motivation


Changes in social, economic, environmental, and political conditions in the 21st century are happening rapidly. cause awareness in developing the potential of each country, which the design and arrangement of Learning that is right for students in the 21st century is critical. Therefore, this research has an objective; (1) to develop a microlearning lesson plan on Transmission Genetics for grade 10 students, (2) to compare learning achievements on Transmission Genetics of grade 10 students before and after the microlearning, and (3) study of motivation on Transmission Genetics during the microlearning. The target group of this study was 34 grade 10 students from the Cluster Random Sampling technique. The study was conducted in the second semester of the 2022 academic year for 4 weeks, 3 hours a week, a total of 12 hours. The research instruments included: (1) 6 microlearning lesson plans on Transmission Genetics, a total of 12 hours. (2) the 30 items, four multiple learning achievement tests on Transmission Genetics. The research found that: (1) the microlearning lesson plans on Transmission Genetics for grade 10 students were indicated at the highest appropriate level, and (2) Grade 10 students had learning achievement after the microlearning higher than before the learning at .05 statistically significant level. And (3) Grade 10 students had increased learning motivation steadily during the microlearning.


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How to Cite

Nilbanphot, S., & Dokmai, P. . (2023). Micro-Learning Management on the Transmission Genetics to Enhance Motivation of Grade 10 Students. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 219–234. https://doi.org/10.14456/iarj.2023.250