Factors Related to Social Skills of Seventh-Grade Students





Social Skills; , Multiple Regression Analysis; , Prediction Equation


Social skills are the ability of a person to communicate with others verbally and non-verbally, recognize one's own and other's emotions, and the ability to control self-expression, interact well with others, understand social contexts, and express one's social role appropriately. Thus, this research aims to examine (1) factors related to the social skills of Matthayom Sueksa One student; and constructs (2) a prediction equation for the social skills of the students under study. The sample population consisted of 2,948 Matthayom Sueksa One student under Samut Prakan Secondary Educational Service Area Office in the second semester of the academic year 2021 using the technique of multi-stage sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire eliciting the social skills of Matthayom Sueksa One student. The statistics used in data analysis were descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. The variables were selected into the equation using the enter method. Findings are as follows: 1) The correlation coefficient (R) of the dependent variable, social skills, and independent variables i.e., family type; family characteristics; school size; instruction and study; relationship with friends; family economic status; and personal attributes was 0.632. 2) Independent variables could be explanatory of variance in dependent variables (Adjusted R2) at 39.80 percent. The Independent variable related to social skills at the highest level was personal attributes (β = 0.461) 3). The relationship could be written in a prediction equation in the raw score as follows: Social skills = 0.706

            + 0.049 parents’ educational level higher than a bachelor’s degree*

            + 0.049 family characteristics*

            + 0.161 instruction and study*

            + 0.066 relationships with friends*

            + 0.530 personal attributes*

            + 0.022 large-sized schools

            + 0.000 parents’ income

            - 0.006 nuclear family type

            - 0.007 extended family type

            - 0.011 extra-large schools

            - 0.016 parents’ educational level of a bachelor’s degree


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How to Cite

Poonsawat, R., Panidvadtana, P. ., & Srihaset, K. . (2023). Factors Related to Social Skills of Seventh-Grade Students. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 389–402. https://doi.org/10.14456/iarj.2023.260