A Study of Conceptual Change on Chemical Bonding and Scientific Attitudes of Grade 10 Students





Science Conceptual Change; , Chemical Bonding; , Scientific Attitude


Chemistry is a branch of science, that is important for learning in science, and found that many students have trended alternative conceptions and increased misconceptions. This research study was action research in 3 operational cycles. The research objectives were to study the conceptual change in chemical bonding and the scientific attitude of grade 10 students who have learned through conceptual change strategies. The research target group consisted of twenty-six grade 10 students at Borabuwittayakhan School in the first semester of the 2022 school year. The research instruments included 1) the 9 lesson plans using conceptual change strategies on chemical bonding for grade 10 students for 13 hours, 2) a two–tiers multiple choices chemical bonding concept test of 13 items with difficulties between 0.40–0.70, discrimination between 0.40–0.80 and reliability as 0.84 and 3) a five rating scales scientific attitude test in 6 aspects included Rationality, Curiosity, Open-mindedness, Honesty and Objectivity, Perseverance, and Suspended Judgment for 30 items with discrimination power between 0.42–0.89 and reliability of 0.73. The data analysis statistics included mean, standard deviation, and percentage. The study found that grade 10 students regularly increased their level of science conceptual understanding in each operational cycle. The first operational cycle found that 34.61 percent of the students passed the Partial Understanding criteria and 65.39 percent of the students failed the criteria. The second operational cycle found that 53.84 percent of the students passed the Partial Understanding criteria, which increased from the first operational cycle to 19.23 percent and 46.16 percent of the students failed the criteria, which decreased from the first operational cycle to 19.23 percent. The third operational cycle found that 73.08 percent of the students passed the Partial Understanding criteria, which increased from the second operational cycle of 19.24 percent and 26.92 percent of the students failed the criteria, which decreased from the second operational cycle of 19.24 percent. Students’ scientific attitude in all aspects was at a high level.


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How to Cite

Jinaboon, K., & Dokmai, P. . (2023). A Study of Conceptual Change on Chemical Bonding and Scientific Attitudes of Grade 10 Students. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 235–254. https://doi.org/10.14456/iarj.2023.251