The Effects of ASEAN Traditional Game Activities on the Coexistence in a Multicultural Classroom for Young Children




Traditional Games; , ASEAN; , Coexistence; , Multicultural;, Young Children


At present, Thailand has people of various nationalities living together. When those people have children, they send their children to study in school. Therefore, there are children from various nationalities in the class, but they cannot communicate with each other in Thai. When playing together, they do not understand each other, quarrel, and use inappropriate words and physical abuse. The researcher sees the importance of encouraging multicultural children living together to understand and accept their own and others’ cultures. This will help reduce conflicts. The objective of this study was to study the effects of ASEAN traditional game activities on coexistence in a multicultural classroom for young children. The target group was 30 of 4-6-year-old children who were studying in the 2nd semester of the academic year of 2022 in Sangam Wittaya School, Office for the Pathum Thani Primary Educational Service Area 1. The research instruments included the 24 lesson plans of ASEAN traditional game activities, a form of social behavior assessment of the coexistence in a multicultural classroom for young children, and notes of young children’s social behaviors. Data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The study showed that young children who received ASEAN traditional game activities had higher social skills the coexistence in a multicultural than before receiving the ASEAN traditional game activities. The highest aspects that young children achieved were as follows: acceptance of diversity, communication, rights respect, and coexistence. The children developed social skills through Thai ASEAN traditional games. It made the children accept other opinions, help each other, and interact and cooperate with their peers whose nationalities, languages, and cultures are different. They happily accepted and adapted to living together with friends who were different from themselves.


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How to Cite

Nueangnoi, N., Samahito, C. ., & Hirunchalothorn, P. . (2023). The Effects of ASEAN Traditional Game Activities on the Coexistence in a Multicultural Classroom for Young Children. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 185–200.