The Effect of Learning Management Based on Constructivist Theory Using Hand-on Activities of Grade 6 Students’ Geometrical Concepts on Triangle




Constructivist; , Hand – on activities; , Geometrical concepts


Mathematical concept is one of the important things to learn mathematics in the 21st century. The mathematical concept is a concept about mathematics content, complete knowledge, and understanding that will lead to thinking, learning, and used to solve problems effectively. Geometry is a fundamental element of mathematics but effect of organizing mathematics learning, it was found that the students' geometrical concepts were lower than the specified criteria. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to study the grade 6 students’ geometrical concepts of triangles after they had learned through learning management based on a constructivist theory using hands–on activities. The sample was 22 Grade 6 students in one classroom in the second semester of the academic year 2022 that was selected by cluster random sampling from 2 classrooms, the classroom was heterogeneous. The research instruments used in this research were six mathematics lesson plans on triangles and 20 20-item tests with four multiple-choice choices on the geometrical concept of triangles. Percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test were used to analyze data and were presented by tables and descriptions. The research found that geometrical concepts of grade 6 students on triangles after learning management based on a constructivist theory using hands–on activities were higher than 60% of the criterion at the .05 level of significance.


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How to Cite

Bunyodom, N., Ugsonkid, S. ., & Kasemsukpipat, W. . (2023). The Effect of Learning Management Based on Constructivist Theory Using Hand-on Activities of Grade 6 Students’ Geometrical Concepts on Triangle . Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 481–496.