A Study of Communication Strategies of Matchmaking Businesses from Big Data of Consumer Behavior on Social Media





Matchmaking Businesses; , Matchmaking Businesses from Big Data; , Consumer Behavior on social media


Currently, online media play a role in many people's lives. Not even the dating business has to change the whole strategy to fit the context of the era. Changing social contexts and technological advances cause much important information in the online world. Matchmaking companies have had to adjust their communication strategies under a large amount of data. To meet the needs of the dating market. This research aims to study consumer dating behavior on social media and to study strategies and recommendations for developing communication strategies for matchmaking businesses based on big data on consumer behavior on social media of matchmaking businesses. This research mixed with the Mix Method by dividing into online social media data collection such as Facebook, Pantip, TikTok, YouTube, and Twitter via Social Listening online tools.) Motives and Satisfies of Consumer Behavior on Social Media in Marriage Qualitative Data Collection With in-depth interview techniques, companies or matchmaking businesses consist of questions about communication strategies of matchmaking businesses. and suggestions for developing communication strategies of the matchmaking business based on changes. By collecting information from information providers, which are matchmaking business operators, amounting to 4 people. The results showed the Dating behavior of consumers on social media. The motivation for using online media to discuss finding a boyfriend comes most from loneliness. The most talked about area is Bangkok. Most people online consider their partner based on their appearance. There is a growing demand for foreign mates. TikTok and YouTube are the most engaged platforms for short- and medium-length video online content on social media. Famous physical relationships without having to have sex (Skin Ship) Characteristics of online social networking social network members are urban people. There are both males and females, a group in society that is interested in finding a lover. Interaction behavioral connection points. The social network pattern is a star-shaped network. Research findings, strategies, and recommendations for developing communication strategies for matchmaking businesses from big consumer behavior data on social media and matchmaking business operators. After the outbreak of COVID-19, customer groups have changed, namely business owners, doctors, and LGBT groups, especially male homosexuals. Therefore, Online marketing focuses more on communication in content creation to build credibility. Provide safe matchmaking services. Facilitate those who want to have a couple. Moreover, promotes a complete marriage or family. Use proactive and defensive strategies with credibility-building strategies. Choose to use the platform that matches the target customer group. Please pay attention to data Parallel use of offline media Personal Consult service extends its services to include social media. Design content to meet the needs of the influencer group to increase interest. Focus on reliability, safety, focus on knowledge, and competence of employees. For recommendations for developing a communication strategy for a matchmaking business based on big data. of consumer behavior on social media, Matchmaking companies must adapt to competition with application groups by relying on information tools or Social Listening. Communication strategies must be modernized regarding media selection, channels, and content in the presentation. Laying out personal communication guidelines and studying the target customers' behavior in-depth SWOT Analysis should be used as an analysis. To understand consumer behavior, create strategic communication in the event of technological disruption.


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How to Cite

Sookhom, A., & Chaisuwan, B.- nag . (2023). A Study of Communication Strategies of Matchmaking Businesses from Big Data of Consumer Behavior on Social Media. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 403–424. https://doi.org/10.14456/iarj.2023.265