The Development of Learning Package on Mechanics of Materials for Mechanical Engineering Students
Learning Package; , Mechanics of Materials;, Mechanical Engineering ProgramAbstract
Nowadays, the learning materials systematically in line with the content of the course will help the learners to learn to their full potential and is a learning approach that is based on the learners and develops learners to learn by themselves according to their abilities. And then, the objectives of this research were to: 1) develop a learning package on mechanics of materials for mechanical engineering students, 2) compare the learning achievement before and after learning with the learning package on mechanics of materials, and 3) study the satisfaction of learners to learning package on mechanics of materials for mechanical engineering students. The sample for this research study were 23 students of the Bachelor of Engineering program in Mechanical Engineering in semester 1/2021 at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture re, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvanabhumi selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments included a learning package on the mechanics of materials, an achievement test, and a satisfaction evaluation form for learners. Statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and dependent sample t-test. The result of the study showed 1) the appropriation of the learning package on mechanics of materials at a high level 2) Learners’ achievement of learning after the learning package on mechanics of materials was significantly higher than before at the.05 level and 3) the satisfaction of learners for using of learning package a on mechanics of materials was a high level.
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