A Study of Academic Achievement that Affects Algebraic Reasoning, Communication and Mathematical Presentation for Grade 7 Students





Achievement; , Algebraic Reasoning; , Math Communication and Presentation


In teaching and learning at present, the problem is that students do not like to think and lack problem-solving skills, unable to apply knowledge to solve problems, the problem-solving experience in this class will be an important foundation leading to the development of thinking methods and enhancing problem-solving abilities. Thus, the objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of mathematical algebraic reasoning on single variable linear equations; of Grade 7 students. 2) to study the communication and presentation of mathematics on One Variable Linear Equation of Grade 7 students and 3) students to study the impact of academic achievement on algebraic reasoning. Math communication and presentation of Grade 7 students. The sample used in the research was Grade 7 students at Wapi Pathum School. A total of 218 students. Research instruments were 1) a mathematical reasoning test and 2) a communication and presentation test in mathematics. The statistics used in the research were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results showed that 1) the level of reasoning mathematics of the students. In descending order, they were level 3 (33.49%), followed by level 4 (22.94%), level 1 (22.02%), and level 2 (21.56%). student mathematics They were ranked in descending order as follows: good level (27.5%), moderate level (55%), and improved level (17.5%). 3) Students with weak mathematics achievement. There are levels of mathematical reasoning level 1 and level 2. There are levels of communication and presentation quality in mathematics. The level should be improved (37.16%) for students with moderate achievement in mathematics. There was a level of reasoning in mathematics at level 3. There was a level of communication and presentation in mathematics at a fair level (34.86%). Have a level of mathematical reasoning level 4, have a good level of communication and mathematical presentation quality (27.98%).


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How to Cite

Boonying, W., & Nontapa, N. . (2023). A Study of Academic Achievement that Affects Algebraic Reasoning, Communication and Mathematical Presentation for Grade 7 Students. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 81–98. https://doi.org/10.14456/iarj.2023.241