Customer’s Service Behavior in the Local Coffee Shops at Muang District, Khon Kaen Province




Service Behavior;, Consumer; , Local Coffee Shops


Local coffee shops are one of the businesses that are getting the attention of entrepreneurs. The local coffee shop has now become a social space that responds to the lifestyle of the new generation and it is a public space that everyone can access. It is important to study consumer behavior to understand the buying behavior and trends of consumers' needs. The purposes of the study were 1) to study customer service behavior in the local coffee shops and 2) to compare the differences in demographic characteristics influencing behaviors of coffee consumption in the local coffee shops. This is quantitative research. The sample groups were 250 people who were 18 years old and using social networks selected by random sampling and accidental sampling. The instrument was the questionnaire. The statistic used was frequency, mean, and One Way ANOVA. The results of the research were as follows: 1) customer service behavior in the local coffee shops found that their behavior in consuming local coffee shops showed that “Non-NA Café Khon Kaen” was the coffee shop where they went to consume the beverage. The most widespread drinks were coffee, cocoa, fresh milk, iced tea, green tea, and chocolate. Since the other beverage gained less sugar. They went to consume 1-3 times a month and the reason for consuming the coffee was taste addiction. The coffee cost per time was 100-300 baths. The decision of choosing the places was themselves. The time duration of consuming coffee was 30 minutes - 1 hour on Saturdays and Sundays around 12.01-14.00 o’clock,2) differences in demographic characteristics influencing behaviors of coffee consuming in the local coffee shops showed that (1) different sexes affected behaviors of coffee consuming in the local coffee shops contrarily in deciding to consume drinks and types of consuming bakeries. Besides that, the most favorite coffee or drinks that consumers decided to buy coffee or drinks, and the time duration of consuming the local coffee shops, (2) different ages affected behaviors of coffee consuming in the local coffee shops contrarily in deciding to consume main courses.The most favorite appetizers. Moreover, the number of consuming drinks, and the decision to consume the local coffee shops, (3) different statuses affected behaviors of coffee consumption in the local coffee shops contrarily in deciding to consume main courses. The behavior of spending for a coffee cost per time, (4) different degrees affected to behaviors of coffee consuming in the local coffee shops contrarily in deciding to select the types of the coffee shop, (5) different occupations affected to behaviors of coffee consuming in the local coffee shops contrarily in deciding to choose the coffee types, drinks, and appetizers, the reasons of consuming the local coffee shops, participatory decision in using the local coffee shops and duration of time while using the local coffee shops, (6) different income affected to behaviors of coffee consuming in the local coffee shops contrarily in deciding to choose the types of coffee and beverage. Moreover, the number of consuming drinks, and the decision to consume the local coffee shops. (p>0.05).


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How to Cite

Nitiwatana, C., & Sirimingkol, T. . (2023). Customer’s Service Behavior in the Local Coffee Shops at Muang District, Khon Kaen Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 153–168.