An Analysis of Higher Education Entrepreneurship Programs in Thailand: Current Conditions and Future Challenges




Entrepreneurship Course; , Current Condition; , Challenge


The labor market is an important catalyst for the development of entrepreneurship courses. The author has studied entrepreneurship programs at 9 universities in Thailand, comparing the similarities and differences among the courses. This study also takes into consideration the socio-economic conditions in Thailand at present and future trends. As a result, three challenges for future entrepreneurship programs at the high-education level in Thailand have been identified: (1) the study model of online learning in conjunction with classroom teaching is required, (2) the course management should recognize the value of the degree, and (3) efficiency of start-up space.


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How to Cite

Luo, Q. ., Nong, R. ., & Suacamram, M. . (2023). An Analysis of Higher Education Entrepreneurship Programs in Thailand: Current Conditions and Future Challenges. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 99–110.