Human Resource Management Affecting Engagement in Surin Provincial Administrative Organization




Human Resource Management; , Organization Commitment of Employee


Human resource management is a strategy and a process for managing personnel in an organization according to various dimensions so that personnel can perform their duties for maximum efficiency. And minimize problems as well as develop personnel to have more potential for more efficient operations and increased organizational success. Thus, the purpose of this research was to study (1). Human resource management level in Surin Provincial Administrative Organization. (2). Engagement level in Surin Provincial Administrative Organization. (3). Relationship between human resource management and engagement in Surin Provincial Administrative Organization. And (4). Human resource management affecting engagement in Surin Provincial Administrative Organization. The sample used in the research was 174 employees of the Surin Provincial Administrative Organization through random sampling. The instrument used in this research was a questionnaire. research statistics The statistics used in the research were mean, and standard deviation. Pearson's correlation coefficient and analyzing predictive variables that can predict using multiple regression statistics. The research findings were as follows: (1) Human resource management in Surin Provincial Administrative Organization. Overall opinions were at a high level. (2) Engagement in Surin Provincial Administrative Organization, in general, had opinions at a high level. (3). Correlation coefficient between human resource management was related to engagement in Surin Provincial Administrative Organization has a positive relationship at a high level (rX1Y =.851) with a statistical significance at the.01 level. And (4) the good predictive variables of engagement in the Surin Provincial Administrative Organization consisted of 3 variables, sorted in order of importance as follows: Planning (x1) Compensation and benefits (x6) and Compensation and benefits (x6) have a linear relationship with Engagement in Surin Provincial Administrative Organization with statistical significance at the.01 and.05 levels, with the multiple correlation coefficient equal to.909, indicating that this set of predictive variables can together predict the engagement in Surin Provincial Administrative Organization at 82.60 percent as follows:

        Forecasting equation in raw score form

             Y =.575+.546X1-.233X6+.081X2

         Forecasting equation in standard score form

            ZY =.687X1+245X6+.118X2


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How to Cite

Uwansri, K. . (2023). Human Resource Management Affecting Engagement in Surin Provincial Administrative Organization. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 893–908.


