Community Economic Development under the Impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak for Sustainable Development in Kaeng Loeng Chan Subdistrict




Community Economy; , Sufficiency Economy Philosophy; , Model Sufficiency Economy Village


         The trend of economic development that has developed along with building immunity for the people by adopting the philosophy of sufficiency economy as a model to drive the country in the 12th National Economic and Social Development Plan of Thailand, which is important not only applicable to the agricultural sector but also applies to the development of the country's economy and society to be stronger and more sustainable, however, "sufficiency economy", It is a concept of His Majesty the King, a concept based on the foundation of Thai culture. Therefore, this research aims to; (1) Study the economic, social, environmental, potential, and local wisdom of the community. (2) Create a model for community economic development based on natural resources and local wisdom following the sufficiency economy approach. (3) Apply the community economic development model to be applied in the area and assess the results of sustainable community economic development by using the community participation process. This study was conducted in Kaeng Loengchan Sub-district, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province. The sample used in the research were people who were willing to participate in the research, who were the pilot households of Kaeng Loengchan sub-district communities, Muang district, Maha Sarakham province. Leaders of community enterprise groups and community enterprise members growing organic vegetables Khao Lam rice production community enterprise group, 80 people. Data collection tools include participatory action research processes, brainstorming sessions, and interviews. Use qualitative data analysis techniques. The study found that; (1) The problem conditions and needs of the group are packaging is not up to standard, public relations and distribution channels are scarce, as for the organic vegetables group, there is still a lack of public relations, lack of promotion of distribution channels. (2) The model for developing a community economy based on natural resources and local wisdom according to the sufficiency economy approach consists of 3 main activities which are; (2.1) The development of organic vegetable growing groups to be safe vegetable markets, watershed development, workshops on soil maintenance, insect repellent production, water systems, organic planting systems, and official development. Marketing such as distribution channels, public relations, developing a safe vegetable market, public relations through online media, labeling the entrance to the market, making access to the vegetable market more convenient for customers, creating a logo for the organic vegetable group, and developing packaging to be modern. (2.2) Development of the Khao Lam Sam Rom group by creating a prominent public relations sign and developing the group's packaging and logo. Increase distribution channels. (2.3) The establishment of a fish farming group in Krabang because the group members want to develop agro-tourism tourism and therefore want to have a variety of agricultural products that can meet the needs of consumers, therefore establishing a fish farming group near the organic vegetable planting group to have more income, and can be consumed in the household to reduce expenses. And (3) Evaluation of the efficiency of community economic development according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy by using the prototype sufficiency economy village assessment form. It was found that 20 indicators were evaluated out of a total of 23 indicators, at the level of “Good eating- good living”, there are 3 additional indicators that the community needs to develop, namely indicators 4, 6, and 22.


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How to Cite

Pawala, T., Sripauya, N. ., Ketdow, S. ., & Thanapraditkoon, J. . (2023). Community Economic Development under the Impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak for Sustainable Development in Kaeng Loeng Chan Subdistrict. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 779–798.


