Construction of Mixed-Format Tests in Mathematics Online Testing on Fractions for Grade 6 Students: an Application of One-Parameter Item Response Theory




Mixed-format Tests; , Online Testing; x, Online Testing; Item Response Theory


The study of online testing in past research has primarily focused on addressing issues related to academic dishonesty, utilizing multiple-choice questions to improve the efficiency of measuring and evaluating student performance. Combining subjective and multiple-choice questions offers an alternative approach to achieving a more comprehensive evaluation of learning outcomes. Consequently, the objectives of this study were 1) to develop mixed-format online mathematics tests on fractions for Grade 6 students, and 2) to investigate the psychometric properties of these mixed-format online mathematics tests using one-parameter item response theory. The population of this study was 104 Grade 6 students from five schools in the 2022 academic year under the Bang Rak District Office. The research instrument used consisted of the mixed-format online mathematics tests on fractions, which were divided into three tests with different content. The data were analyzed by examining the psychological properties of the test, including content validity, reliability, difficulty (b), item information function (IIF), and test information function (TIF). The results showed that: (1) The mixed-format tests in online mathematics testing on fractions had a ratio of the number of multiple-choice questions: subjective questions of 30:70 (9 multiple-choice questions and 21 subjective questions). There were three tests with 30 items divided among different contents. All three developed tests had difficulty (p) and discrimination (r) that met all criteria. (2) The values of content validity were 0.67 or higher, and those of reliability were 0.912, 0.915, and 0.913, respectively. The results of difficulty (b) ranged from -0.56 to +0.93. Also, the item information function and test information function of the three tests mostly provided a high level of information when tested on individuals with moderate to high ability.


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How to Cite

Jansiharat, K., Masantiah, C. ., & Tippayakulpairoj, D. . (2023). Construction of Mixed-Format Tests in Mathematics Online Testing on Fractions for Grade 6 Students: an Application of One-Parameter Item Response Theory. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 725–738.


