A Study of Knowledge of Ethics of Human Research for Classroom Research of Teachers in Wang Thonglang District, Bangkok





Human Research Ethics; , Classroom Research


Classroom research is social science research that emphasizes the ethics of human research to protect the prestige, rights, welfare, independence, and fairness of research participants. Social science researchers, including teachers, must recognize and respect the ethics of human research. And used as a guideline for the proper conduct of research under the basic ethical principles to ensure that the research is of quality and acceptable. Teachers should know about the ethics of human research. Thus, the purposes of this study were to (1) investigate the knowledge level of teachers in the Wang Thong Lang area in Bangkok regarding human research ethics for classroom research, and (2) compare the knowledge of human research ethics for classroom research among teachers with different educational levels in three schools in Wang Thong Lang area in Bangkok. The sample consisted of 226 teachers selected by stratified random sampling. The research instrument was a knowledge test about human research ethics for classroom research among teachers in the Wang Thong Lang area of Bangkok. Descriptive statistical data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, maximum and minimum values, and inferential statistical data to compare the means of the two independent groups. The results were that: (1) Teachers in the Wang Thong Lang area, Bangkok, had an average score of knowledge on human research ethics for classroom research of 17.83 out of 30 points; the principles of respect for humanity had the highest mean score followed by the principle of benefit and the principle of justice respectively. (2) The mean level of knowledge of teachers with master's degrees about human research ethics for classroom research was also higher than for those with bachelor's degrees at the.05 level of statistical significance.


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How to Cite

Kongniam, T. ., Masantiah, C. ., & Tippayakulpairoj, D. . (2023). A Study of Knowledge of Ethics of Human Research for Classroom Research of Teachers in Wang Thonglang District, Bangkok. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 713–724. https://doi.org/10.14456/iarj.2023.158


