Physical Fitness Development through Blended Training of 3-year Students from the Faculty of Sports Science and Technology of Bangkok Thonburi University




Cross Training; , Plyometric Training; , Physical Fitness


Physical fitness is important in performing everyday activities and has a direct relationship, the person with good physical fitness will be healthy too Therefore, physical fitness means the ability of the body to perform sports activities or exercise. The purpose of this research was to study and compare the effects of a mixed training program on physical fitness development. The samples were 30 third-year students from the Faculty of Science and Sports Technology, Bangkokthonburi University, by Back and Leg dynamometer test, V-sit-and-reach test, T-test, push-up test, 50-Meter Sprint test, and standing long jump test. and analyzed the differences in the data before and after using the repeated measurement method of one sample group. (Paired-sample t-Tests). The results showed that the effect of using the mixed training program to develop physical fitness before and after muscle strength had a statistically different level of significance at 0.00 level. There was a statistically different significance at the 0.00 level. flexibility has a significance level for statistical at 0.00 level, Muscular endurance has a significance level for statistical needs at 0.00 level. Speed has a significance level for Everyone at the statistical level of 0.00, muscle power has a level of significance for statistically at the 0.00 level. It was concluded that the effects of the mixed training program on physical fitness development before and after all aspects of the mixed training program were developed at a statistical significance level of 0.05.


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How to Cite

Kaithongsuk, T., & Chanlekha, Y. . (2023). Physical Fitness Development through Blended Training of 3-year Students from the Faculty of Sports Science and Technology of Bangkok Thonburi University. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 739–752.


