Logistics Activities Factors Affecting the Efficiency of the Shipping Process of Kerry Express Operators





Logistics; , Activity Factor; , Cargo Process


Transportation of goods is considered a factor that affects the efficiency of economic management in Thailand today, acting as an intermediary in distributing goods from producers to consumers. The faster and more efficient the delivery of goods, the greater the impact on economic growth. The purpose of this research was to study the logistics activities in the transportation process of Kerry Express entrepreneurs. The sample group was 388 Kerry Express entrepreneurs. The tool used for collecting data is a questionnaire (Questionnaires), and descriptive analysis of statistical data. The study found that the opinions towards the logistics activities of the logistics process of Kerry Express operators as a whole were at a high level of agreement. When considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest average was customer service, followed by business location and warehouse selection, transportation, logistics communication. The ordering process, and the purchasing side, respectively.


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How to Cite

Yimcharoenpornsakul, N. ., Taewinthaphakdee, . P. ., Klongsilpachai, C. ., Sriwat, N. ., Suknoi, I. ., & Rianpreecha, C. . (2023). Logistics Activities Factors Affecting the Efficiency of the Shipping Process of Kerry Express Operators. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 509–522. https://doi.org/10.14456/iarj.2023.145


