Legal Problems Regarding the Front-End Company Establishment for Laundering Money: Study only the Business of Real Estate Brokerage




Legal Problems; , Front-end Company Establishment; , Laundering Money


Money laundering is a process used by criminals to legitimize money from wrongdoing, most often involving crime. Thailand is considered one of the most prone areas to financial crime and tax evasion due to its favorable socioeconomic and geopolitical situation. Thailand is therefore considered an important and widely accepted place to transfer money to banks. Thus, this article aims to investigate (1) concepts related to the front-end company establishment, a case study of the business of real estate brokerage, and (2) laws related to the front-end company establishment for laundering money, a case study of the business of real estate brokerage. At present, Section 1097 of the Civil and Commercial Code supporting the company establishment has specified at least two people to run and establish a limited company by mutually preparing a memorandum of association. Although the law is intended to facilitate the limited company establishment, increase agility to conduct the business, and enable the limited company to merge more than one type of business, it was found that some people abuse this criterion, especially for the front-end company establishment for laundering money. Therefore, to prevent this kind of wrongdoing, the researcher would like to propose legal measures to control the front-end company establishment for laundering money.


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How to Cite

Yeesarapat, B. ., Kanavittaya, W. ., & Sersansie, S. . (2023). Legal Problems Regarding the Front-End Company Establishment for Laundering Money: Study only the Business of Real Estate Brokerage. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 685–696.


