Behavior and Marketing Factors Affecting to Decision Making on Buying Food Supplements through Online Media of Employees in Northern Industrial Estates




Marketing Factor; , Food Supplements; , Online Media; , Northern Industrial Estates


Dietary supplements are one of the health products that consumers can readily find at various retailers and are popular among consumers who believe that dietary supplements help their health. The reason for eating is because of anxiety that the body does not receive enough nutrients, fearing disease. Some people believe that food supplements can help cure disease or help the body to be slim, have beautiful skin, and good personality. It can be seen that nutritional supplements are very popular and are sold online. Thus, this study aimed to study the purchasing behavior of dietary supplements and to study the marketing factors affecting the purchasing decision of beauty dietary supplements. Collagen type through online media of employees of the Northern Industrial Estate A sample of 400 people was used. The data collection tools were questionnaires. Data were analyzed using statistics, percentages, mean, and standard deviation. The study results revealed that the results showed that Most of the respondents were female, aged 26-35 years, marital status. working in production Working period of 6 years or more, and monthly income of 20,001-30,000 baht. Bachelor's degree. Buy collagen powder products to help nourish bones. Buy collagen products less than 1 time per week, costing 500 baht or more per time. In addition to 8:00 p.m. and up, buy via Facebook because it's easy to buy You are the one who decides to buy the product. The level of importance of marketing factors affecting the decision to purchase dietary supplements via online media of employees in the Northern Industrial Estate was at the highest level. Recommendations should study and compare marketing mix factors in purchasing collagen supplement products via the social media of each brand. To study why consumers, decide to buy collagen supplements through social media networks.


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How to Cite

Poolsawat, W. ., & Thanitbenjasith, P. . (2023). Behavior and Marketing Factors Affecting to Decision Making on Buying Food Supplements through Online Media of Employees in Northern Industrial Estates. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 257–270.


