Factors and Behaviors in Deciding to Use Music Streaming Applications of Generation Y in Pathum Wan Bangkok





Factors; , Behaviors; , Music Streaming Applications; , Generation Y;, Platform


 Nowadays, the internet has played an important role in the daily life of teenagers or Generation Y a lot, resulting in new services that can better meet the needs of consumers such as continuously. And one of the services that have been developed is a music streaming service (Music Streaming). This is a new format that emerges as an alternative for consumers who previously had to buy or download to store on their own mobile devices only. Therefore, listening to streaming music is a new emerging form that offers new options to consumers. Thus, the aims of research are to study factors and behaviors and to investigate the marketing factors influencing Generation Y's decision to use a music streaming application in Pathum Wan, Bangkok. A survey questionnaire was used with a total of 205 samples. Statistics used in the analysis included descriptive statistics. The results found that most of the respondents were female, single, aged between 25–30 years of age, and had a bachelor's degree. Most of them are employees of private companies. The average monthly income is 10,001–20,000 baht. Most of them use the Spotify application. The cost of listening to music via music streaming per month is 1–50 baht. Use the application 4-6 times per week. The number of hours used at a time is 1-2 hours and is intended to be used for enjoyment and relaxation. In addition, the result showed the importance of market factors (7P's) influencing the decision to use the Generation Y music streaming application. In terms of Process, it is at the highest level, being number one. Followed by Place, Product, Physical Evidence, People, Price, and Promotion, respectively.


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How to Cite

Techanaruedol, N. ., & Thanitbenjasith, P. . (2023). Factors and Behaviors in Deciding to Use Music Streaming Applications of Generation Y in Pathum Wan Bangkok. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 141–156. https://doi.org/10.14456/iarj.2023.120


