Guidelines for Developing the Implementation of the Student Support System in the New Normal of Educational Opportunity Expanding Schools under the Office of Pathum Thani Primary Educational Service Area 2




Student Support System; , New Normal; , Educational Opportunity Expanding Schools


The new normal society is changing rapidly. Especially, to be a digital disruption. The social environment and lifestyle of the students were affected. Therefore, the implementation of the school's student support system expands educational opportunities. There should be an operational approach that is consistent with the times. The objectives of this research were 1) to study a current and desired outcome and needs assessment in the implementation of the Student Support System in the New Normal of Educational Opportunity Expanding Schools, and 2) to suggest the guidelines for the implementation of the Student Support System in the New Normal of Educational Opportunity Expanding Schools. Mixed method design is the research approach. 285 instructors made up the sample for the quantitative study. The survey served as the research instrument. Descriptive statistics, such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI), were used to examine the data. The requirements were prioritized using a modified approach. Five instructors who were in charge of the student support system as well as school administrators and education executives served as informants for the qualitative study. Semi-structured interviews served as the research instrument. Content analysis was used to examine the data.  The findings revealed that 1) The mean scores of the desired outcome towards the implementation of the Student Support System in the New Normal were higher than the current outcome in all aspects. The overall need for the implementation, which was the most critical and equal, was as follows: student screening, student support, and student transfer (PNI Modified = 0.09). 2) According to recommendations for improving the implementation of the student support system in the new normal, educational institutions should create a useful handbook that outlines simple, unambiguous guidelines and standards for student screening. Self-study among students should be promoted in addition to teaching them how to utilize technology responsibly and intelligently. In cases of need or an emergency, students should be sent to professionals or outside organizations for assistance.


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How to Cite

Thammahon, K. ., & Lormanenoprat, K. . (2023). Guidelines for Developing the Implementation of the Student Support System in the New Normal of Educational Opportunity Expanding Schools under the Office of Pathum Thani Primary Educational Service Area 2. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 537–556.


