Development of CIRC Cooperative Learning Management Activities with Exercises to Promote Reading Competence on Spelling Sections, Grade 1




Spelling Section; , Learning Management;, Cooperative Learning CIRC Techniques


Reading and writing spelling with the spelling section of elementary school students is not very good. It will be found that students who have completed elementary education have poor grades because they are still unable to read and write words with spelling, and unable to use the knowledge gained from reading and writing effectively as well. The objectives of this research were 1) to study the guideline for organizing collaborative learning activities using the CIRC technique combined with exercises to promote reading ability about Thai spelling, 2) to develop collaborative learning management activities using the CIRC technique combined with exercises to promote reading ability on Thai spelling for grade 1 student, to be effective according to the 80/80 criterion. 3) to compare students’ reading ability before and after receiving the collaborative learning activities with the CIRC technique and the exercise on Thai spelling. The participants consisted of 34 students in class 1/4 of Ek Panya School, Somdet District, Kalasin Province, semester 2/2020. The research tools were teacher interview forms, the learning management plan by Collaborative Learning with the CIRC technique and exercises on Thai spelling, the reading skills exercises about Thai spelling, and a reading ability test on Thai spelling with 30 items. Data were analyzed by content analysis, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. The research findings were as follows: 1) The CIRC technique for collaborative learning activities was combined with the exercise on Thai spelling for grade 1 students to promote reading ability, It should consist of 5 steps, namely (1) the introduction to the learning process, (2) the introduction of new knowledge, (3) the skill training, (4) the exchange of knowledge, and (5) the summary of knowledge. 2) The development of collaborative learning management activities with CIRC techniques and exercises to promote reading ability on the Thai spelling for grade 1 students, the efficiency was 80.10/95.39, which was higher than the set criteria, and 3) students who received collaborative learning activities with CIRC techniques and exercises had posttest reading ability higher than pretest statistical significantly at the .05 level.


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How to Cite

Nobnom, T. ., Chanpratak, A. ., & Worakham, P. . (2023). Development of CIRC Cooperative Learning Management Activities with Exercises to Promote Reading Competence on Spelling Sections, Grade 1. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 799–812.


