Implementation of the Educational Religion and Culture Strategies of Roi Et Provincial Administrative Organization




Operations; , Strategy of Education Religion and Culture; , Provincial Administrative Organization


The Religious and Cultural Education Strategy is an important mission that teaches the government's policy on providing education to improve the quality of life for local people. Local governments will play a role in providing education for schools under their jurisdiction with educational standards consistent with local and community contexts, and also play a role and participate in promoting and supporting education at different levels in the locality. This research has the objectives; (1) To study the level of implementation according to the Educational Religion and Culture Strategies of Roi Et Provincial Administrative Organization. (2) To compare the implementation of the Educational Religion and Culture Strategies of Roi Et Provincial Administrative Organization classified by gender, age, education level, and position. (3) To study the recommendations for the implementation of the Educational Religion and Culture Strategies of Roi Et Provincial Administrative Organization. The sample group was 110 school administrators, teachers, educational personnel, and basic education committees of schools under the Roi Et Provincial Administrative Organization. The research tools were questionnaires. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, frequency, standard deviation, t–test, and One-way ANOVA. The results showed that; (1) The overall level of operation according to the religious and cultural education strategy of Roi Et Provincial Administrative Organization was at the highest average level. (2) Comparison of the implementation of the Educational Religion and Culture Strategies of Roi Et Provincial Administrative Organization by gender, age, education level, and position found that there were no statistically different opinions, however, classified by educational institutes found that there were statistically different opinions at the .05 level. And (3) Suggestions for the implementation of the Educational Religion and Culture Strategies of Roi Et Provincial Administrative Organization are: Education should be organized holistically, integrating all aspects to keep pace with the changes in the global society. There should be a variety of educational systems that are suitable for the learners, focusing on the learners as a priority, promoting and developing the knowledge and abilities of the learners according to their abilities and aptitudes. Emphasis should be placed on the development of teachers and educational personnel to become professional teachers with professional ethics. And the local wisdom database system should be made up to date.


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How to Cite

Tongjan, S. ., Yupass, Y. ., & Kosonkittiumporn, S. . (2023). Implementation of the Educational Religion and Culture Strategies of Roi Et Provincial Administrative Organization. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 493–508.


