Guidelines for the Development of Democratic Citizenship Characteristics of Students under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 2
Citizenship Characteristics;, DemocracyAbstract
Providing education to create citizenship in a democratic system is therefore considered important. That is, knowing how to maintain and promote rights, duties, freedom, respecting the law, equality, and human dignity, being proud of being Thai, and knowing how to protect the interests of the public and the nation. Therefore, a democratic citizen is a member of a society exercising their rights and liberties with responsibility for themselves, others, and society by a person who is a good citizen in a democratic way. The objectives of this research are; (1) To study the democratic citizenship characteristics of students according to the opinions of school administrators and teachers in social studies subjects. (2) To compare the democratic citizenship characteristics of students according to the opinions of school administrators and teachers in social studies subjects classified by status, position, and school size. And (3) To study the approaches for the development of students' democratic citizenship characteristics. This study was conducted in schools under the Office of Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area 2. The first phase of the study looked at the democratic citizenship characteristics of students. The population number was 950 people, sample number was 272 people. The second phase of the study examined the development of democratic citizenship characteristics of the target group of six students. The results showed that (1) Overall and individual characteristics of democratic citizenship of students were at a high level. (2) comparing the democratic citizenship characteristics of students according to the opinions of school administrators and teachers in social studies subjects were not different overall, however, classified by school size found that the overall difference was statistically significant at the .05 level. And (3) Guidelines for the development of democratic citizenship characteristics include; (A) Creating a just society will make people accept the rules and regulations created by society. (B) Creating a learning society and accepting new knowledge that arises all the time. (D) Listening to other people's opinions, (E) Cultivating love and cherishing one's own locality. And (F) Respecting the law, respecting the rules of society, and following the rules of society will help society carry out various missions.
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