Approaches for Promoting Teacher Retention of Work in Satit Bangna School, Samut Prakan Province




Approaches for Promoting Teacher Retention; , Teacher's Retention; , Satit Bangna School


Nowadays, organizations and departments pay more attention to human resources, because personnel are considered to be a very important mechanism for the operations within the organization. If an organization can maintain human resources to stay with the organization for a long time, it will result in being able to carry out various activities systematically. Thus, the purpose of this research was 1) to study the level of performance retention, and 2) to analyze the approaches to promote performance retention for teachers at Satit Bangna School, Samut Prakan Province. The research method was conducted in 2 parts: Part 1 studied the level of performance retention of teachers at Satit Bangna School. Samut Prakan Province Data were collected by questionnaire with 121 teachers, data analysis by descriptive statistics, and part 2 studied methods for promoting teacher retention at Satit Bangna School. Samut Prakan Province Data were collected by interviewing 12 key informants. Data were analyzed by content analysis. The results are as follows: (1) Overall, the level of retention in performance of Satit Bangna School teachers in Samut Prakan Province was at a high level. The highest level of retention in the performance of Satit Bangna School teachers was Performance evaluation at a high level, followed by personnel planning at a high level, and the least was treatment and Personnel development at a high level. (2) The guidelines for promoting the retention of teachers at Satit Bangna School, Samut Prakan Province are divided into 2 levels: 1) Individual level 2) School level as follows: (2.1) The individual level, teachers can express their opinions and determine the personnel plan policy together with the school's personnel planning administration in preparing the workload. Getting a chance to develop yourself Increased monetary and non-monetary welfare based on teacher performance. (2.2) The school level and teacher performance evaluation results should be included in the clear personnel plan and welfare policy. Improve morale, and improve the performance potential of teachers. By surveying the needs of teachers.


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How to Cite

Srodsong, J. ., Saengngam, J. ., & Masantiah, C. . (2023). Approaches for Promoting Teacher Retention of Work in Satit Bangna School, Samut Prakan Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 479–492.


