An Integration for Home Economics With An Academic Community Service: A Case Study of Pin Charoen Community 1, Don Mueang District, Bangkok
Integrative Model; , Academic Service; , Home EconomicsAbstract
Academic Community Service is one of the duties of the Faculty of Education, Ramkhamhaeng University to support the community in providing academic strength and providing services to the community for the development of science. The approach to community development and the quality of life of senior citizens through a range of activities suitable for gender, age, interests, needs, and opportunities aimed at providing physical, emotional, social, and mental satisfaction, and developing a comprehensive range of social and professional skills to promote the potential of elderly to be proud of themselves for their own health. Nutrition and Communication Technology. The purposes of this study were (1) to examine the integration of home economics into academic community service: a case study of Pin Charoen Community 1, Don Mueang District, Bangkok, and (2) to investigate the effect of integration for home economics into academic community service. The target groups were 3 academic service committees, 6 teachers in charge of home economics courses, 19 Faculty of Education staff involved in the activity and 51 people from Pin Charoen Community 1. The research instruments were a group discussion recording form and an opinion rating form on the application of knowledge. The qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis, and descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation were used for quantitative data analysis. The results showed that (1) integration of home economics with an academic community service used lectures and demonstrations to integrate with subjects in the Bachelor of Arts curriculum, a home economics major with 3 courses by presenting the process of making Takoyaki in the base called "Tako Tako" and (2) the knowledge application was at the highest level overall. When considering the knowledge application in each aspect, it was found that the aspects with the highest mean among the top 3 were the knowledge area, the practical application of knowledge, and the application of knowledge in daily life, respectively.
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