Participatory Management Model for the Enhancing of Teachers’ Competency in Active Learning Management of Ban Kho Phru School, Office of Nakhon Srithammarat Educational Service Area 3




Participatory Management; , Strengthening Teacher Competencies; , Proactive Learning Management


Participatory management is very important and is the heart of development because if all activities lack cooperation, then will not be able to continue working effectively. Participatory management also focuses on all sectors in the organization to participate in the management of the organization to create unity within the organization to help each other. This will enable the organization to develop, increase work efficiency, and truly achieve goals. This article is intended to; (1) study current conditions, desirable conditions, and necessary needs to develop a participatory management model to enhance teachers' proactive learning management competencies. And (2) establish a participatory management model to enhance teachers' proactive learning management competencies. This research is a research and development study conducted at Ban Kho Phru School, Chulabhorn District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. The research tools were questionnaires, focus group recordings, appropriateness, and feasibility assessments. The statistics used are the mean, standard deviation, and the PNI requirement index is necessary. The results showed that; (1) The study of current conditions, desirable conditions, and necessary needs to create a participatory management model for enhancing the proactive learning management competency of Ban Kho Phru School teachers. (A) The overall state of participation in active learning management competency is low. When considering each aspect, it was found that the participatory management aspect had a higher level of practice than other aspects, followed by teacher competency building, and proactive learning management, respectively. (B) The desirable state of participation for the overall proactive learning management competency was at the highest level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the enhancement of teacher competencies had a higher practical level than other aspects, followed by participatory management, and active learning management, respectively. (C) Necessary requirements from individual PNI findings are found; Planned targeting together had a higher PNI than the others (PNI=2.36), followed by implementation and monitoring (PNI=2.35), and morale assessment (PNI=2.24), respectively. (2) The results of creating a participatory management model for enhancing the competency of proactive learning management of Ban Kho Phru School teachers consisted of 5 elements as follows: (A)principle,(B)Objective,(C)Content,( D) process, and (F) measurement and evaluation. However, the participatory management model for enhancing the competency of proactive learning management of Ban Kho Phru School teachers is the SCOEE MODEL consisting of; Step 1 S: Setting Cooperative Planning. Step 2 C: Creating Awareness into Action. Step 3 O: Operating and Monitoring. Step 4 E: Exchange Knowledge for Improvement and Development. And Step 5 E: Evaluation and Appraisal Encouragement. In addition, The results of the analysis of the suitability and feasibility of the participatory management model from the Connoisseurship found that the experts had an opinion that the overall suitability was at the highest level and the overall feasibility was at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Boonpradid, S. . (2023). Participatory Management Model for the Enhancing of Teachers’ Competency in Active Learning Management of Ban Kho Phru School, Office of Nakhon Srithammarat Educational Service Area 3. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(2), 779–792.


