Guidelines for the Development of Transformative Leadership of School Administrators under Vocational Education in Roi Et Province




Transformational Leadership; , School Administration;, Vocational Education


The school administrator is the commander who determines the direction of the quality development of the learners, and how they want the quality of the learners to be. It can be seen that educational institutions that are successful in various fields depending on the school administrators to set a vision. Leadership executives must have the ability to use strategies and be able to motivate colleagues and followers to make changes for the benefit of the organization and society. Thus, the objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of transformational leadership of administrators of vocational education institutes in Roi Et province. And 2) To find ways to develop transformational leadership of school administrators under vocational education in Roi Et province. The research was divided into 2 phases: Phase 1 studied the results of a study on transformational leadership of school administrators under vocational education in Roi Et Province. The research population was 322 people and the sample group was 176 people. Phase 2: Study on the development of transformational leadership among school administrators under vocational education in Roi Et Province. Interview tools Target group 9 people. The results found that the transformational leadership of school administrators under vocational education in Roi-Et province consisted of 4 characteristics. Overall and each aspect was at a high level and sorted from the side with the highest average to the lowest as follows: leadership is intellectually stimulating, aspect of individual consideration, inspiring leaders, and ideological Influence. In addition, the suggestions for research guidelines: 1) Intellectual stimulation of teachers should be given the opportunity to participate in decision-making. 2) In regards to individuality, there should be friendliness and can be relied upon by the teacher in every matter. 3) The aspect of inspiration is should give morale and encouragement to teachers. 4) Influence with ideology, there should be a good role model for teachers.


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How to Cite

Yotchaisan, V. ., Duangchatom, K. ., & Ruangsuwan, C. . (2023). Guidelines for the Development of Transformative Leadership of School Administrators under Vocational Education in Roi Et Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(2), 635–646.


