The Relationship between Inventory Management and Working Capital and Profitability of Listed Companies on The Stock Exchange of Thailand the Food and Beverage Business
Inventory Management; , Working Capital Management; , ProfitabilityAbstract
Managing inventory and capital is essential to the business that needs to be well-managed and adequate to the consumer. Management must consider investment decisions, financing, investment, and investment decisions. This includes dividends for high returns to analyze the business's assessment by using working capital management to match the situation and maintain the liquidity of the business. The objectives of this study were to study the relationship between inventory management and working capital and profitability of listed companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Food and beverage business. Inventory management is inventory turnover ratio and inventory to sales ratio working capital is current ratio and quick ratio with profitability is return on assets return on equity and net profit ratio. The samples were 420 from food and beverage business. Data used are quarterly time series. From the 1st quarter of 2019 to the 4th quarter of 2021, a total of 12 quarters. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics for hypothesis testing. The results showed that the inventory turnover ratio was significantly positively correlated with return on assets and return on equity ratio. The inventory sales ratio is significantly negatively correlated with the return on assets ratio. The current ratio had a significant positive correlation with the return on equity, and the quick ratio has a significant positive correlation with the return on equity and net profit ratio. That means good inventory management and efficient working capital management will result in a higher rate of return for the business and higher profit way.
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