Human Resource Management Affecting on Employee’s Commitment of Provincial Land Reform Office
Human Resource Management; , Employee’s CommitmentAbstract
An important factor that various organizations agree is of great importance is the human resources within the organization because, in addition to being one of the factors of production, it is also an important machine that will enable the organization to move forward steadily. This is because human beings are the only resource that is not exhausted or disappeared but is constantly increasing in expertise, expertise, and new ideas are emerging. Thus, the purpose of this study was (1) to study the human resource management aspect of recruitment and selection affecting personnel engagement of the Provincial Land Reform Office. (2) To study human resource management in terms of training and development that affect personnel engagement of the Provincial Land Reform Office. (3) To study human resource management in terms of wage payments Compensation and benefits that affect personnel engagement of the Provincial Land Reform Office. And (4) To study human resource management on labor relations affecting personnel engagement of the Provincial Land Reform Office. The population from the Provincial Land Reform Office, was 1,369 people, including the Provincial Land Reform Office in 72 provinces, and the sample was 332 people. The instrument for collecting data is a questionnaire. The statistics used in the analysis include frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression equations. The results of the research were as follows: (1) Human resource management found that opinions about human resource management in recruitment and selection were at high levels, training, and development were at high levels, wages, compensation, and benefits were at high levels, and labor relations were at a high level. (2) Opinions about the engagement of personnel of the Provincial Land Reform Office overall were at the highest level. (3) The variables having a positive relationship with personnel engagement at the Provincial Land Reform Office at a statistical significance of .05 were labor relations, training, and development, recruitment, and selection, and payment of wages, compensation, and benefits, which is a factor that determines the engagement of the personnel of the Provincial Land Reform Office.
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