Learning Readiness of Students in Mattayom 1 of Secondary Education Service Area Office 2
Readiness; , Learning Readiness; , Student in Mattayom 1Abstract
The education systems for primary and secondary schools differ in terms of learning time, content, graduation objectives, and methods for evaluating learning achievement. Students transitioning from primary to secondary school often find the adjustment challenging, and research has shown that learning readiness plays a crucial role in determining learning achievement. Furthermore, studies have found differences in learning achievement between male and female students, suggesting that learning readiness may also vary between genders. This research aims to explore the potential differences in learning readiness between male and female students and their impact on academic achievement. The objectives of this research were 1) to study the learning readiness of students in Mattayom 1 and 2) to compare the learning readiness between males and females. The sample was 1,623 students in Mattayom 1, using the technique of multistage sampling. Data were collected by using a questionnaire and analyzed by using MANOVA. Findings are as follows: 1. The learning readiness of students in Mattayom 1; physical readiness had an average score of 39.53 equal to 65.88 percent, prior knowledge readiness had an average score of 3.40 equal to 84.88 percent, emotional and mental readiness had an average score of 10.34 equal to 73.85 percent, learning behavior readiness had an average score of 7.00 equal to 70.00 percent, readiness from the relationship between students and teachers had an average score of 6.21 equal to 56.45 percent, readiness from the relationship between students and classmates had an average score of 9.24 equal to 71.08 percent, and readiness from the relationship between students and family had an average score of 12.40 equal to 77.50 percent. 2. In overall learning readiness, there was a statistical difference between male and female students at a significance level of .05. The differences found in 6 from 7 variables consisted of physical readiness, prior knowledge readiness, emotional and mental readiness, learning behavior readiness, readiness from the relationship between students and classmates, and readiness from the relationship between students and family.
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