Effectiveness of A Concept Attainment Mode with Graphic Organizers on Learning Achievement of Thai Language Principles on Thai Parts of Speech through of Prathomsuka IV Students
Concept Attainment Model; , Collective Concepts; , Graphic Organizers; , Learning Achievement of Thai Language PrinciplesAbstract
The teaching and learning of the Thai language Principles, a language convention intended for language users to adhere to is a basis for the correct use of the Thai language. And it is also a criterion that will help Thai people use the Thai language as a convention. same across the country The language users try to use the Thai language correctly according to the linguistic principles will help preserve the Thai language as a national identity. Thai Language Principles Learning management It is therefore an important duty for every Thai language teacher. because when students understand the conventions of Thai language rules and structures Students can apply their understanding. to develop language skills in various areas. The purposes of this research were to (1) compares the learning achievements of Thai language Principles on Thai Parts of Speech through the use of Concept Attainment Mode with Graphic Organizers and Conventional Instruction of Four Grade Students. (2) to compare the learning achievements of Thai language Principles on Thai Parts of Speech through the use of Concept Attainment Mode with Graphic Organizers before and after learning by using a Concept Attainment Mode with Graphic Organizers of Prathomsuka IV Students. It is a quasi-experimental research. the research pattern Quasi-Experimental Design uses two groups of samples, one of which is a control group and the other an experimental group. The samples were 60 Prathomsuka IV students, Semester 2, Academic Year 2022 at Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (Bangna Campus), Using a Cluster Random Sampling method. The instruments used in this study were: the experimental instruments and the experimental instruments. The tool used for data collection was the Learning Achievement Test Thai Language Principles on Thai Parts of Speech, which was a multiple-choice, 4-choice, parallel test. And the experimental tool was the learning management plan using the Concept Attainment Model with Graphic Organizers on Thai Parts of Speech 7 lesson plans, 2 hours per lesson plan. And learning management lesson plans using Conventional Instruction on Thai Parts of Speech 7 lesson plans, 2 hours per lesson plan. The data was analyzed using the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The results of the research can be concluded that (1) The learning achievement of Thai language Principles on Thai Parts of Speech of the experimental group who were taught using the Concept Attainment Model with Graphic Organizers after higher learning the control group was taught by Conventional Instruction with a statistically significant level is at.05. (2) The learning achievement of Thai language Principles on Thai Parts of Speech of the experimental group who were taught using the Concept Attainment Model with Graphic Organizers after the lesson was higher than before with a statistically significant level at.05.
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