A Comparison of Critical Reading Ability of Grade 5 Students between Learning by Using Literature Circles and Normal Learning Method
Learning Management;, Literature Circles; , Critical Reading Ability;, Grade 5 Students; , Normal Teaching MethodAbstract
The ability to read critically is an important skill for today's students. However, when considering the results of the National Educational Test (O – NET), it was found that the student's scores did not meet the requirements set by the educational institutions. As the result, the researcher realized the problem and used literature circles in class to develop students' critical reading abilities. The purposes of this research were (1) to compare the critical reading ability of Grade 5 students between learning by using literature circles and normal learning methods, and (2) to compare the critical reading ability of grade 5 students before and after literature circles were applied. The samples of this research were 60 Grade 5 students from two classes in Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (Elementary Level) in the second semester, the academic year 2565. By using Cluster Random Sampling, One class was an experimental group and the other one was the control group. There were 2 types of research instruments used in this study. The instrument used for data collection was the critical reading ability test which is a parallel multiple-choice. The instruments used for the experiment were 5 learning lesson plans using the literature circles method, 2 hours each, 5 periods in total, and 5 lesson plans using the normal teaching method, 2 hours each, 5 periods in total. Data were analyzed by Arithmetic Mean, Standard Deviation, and t-test. The findings can be concluded that (1) the critical reading ability of Grade 5 students learning by literature circles method was higher than before learning by literature circles method at a statically significant level of .05. and (2) the critical reading ability of Grade 5 students learning by literature circles method was higher than those who received normal teaching method at a statically significant level of .05
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