Model of Knowledge Management of Cannabis Ancient Medicinal Formulations for Medicinal Purposes
Knowledge Management; , Medicinal Cannabis Use; , Ancient MedicineAbstract
Knowledge Management (KM) is the acquisition of accurate and appropriate knowledge by the right people at the right time and enables individuals to share operational information, which strives to improve the performance of an organization. Acquisition of the correct knowledge must be managed systematically, ready to be utilized for the benefit of operations. The Key Principles for Transforming Tacit Knowledge into Explicit Knowledge. Thus, this research was qualitative research aimed at (1) studying the condition of cannabis ancient medicinal formulations for medicinal purposes. (2) Studying the knowledge management of cannabis ancient medicinal formulations for medicinal purposes, and (3) creating a Model of Knowledge Management of cannabis ancient medicinal formulations for medicinal purposes. The target groups were 8 experts selected by purposive sampling. The research tools were interviews and model assessments. The statistics used were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The research results found that: 1) The condition of the use of cannabis ancient medicinal formulas for the treatment of diseases found that: The use of ancient medicinal cannabis for medicinal purposes is Panjarat Elemental Medicine Formula Selected from the ancient Thai Yai ethnic drug scriptures containing mixed marijuana have been certified by indigenous healers consists of 2 aspects: (1.1) factors in the use of ancient medicinal formulas which must have clear drug prescribing guidelines and (1.2) guidelines for the use of traditional drug formulas which must have clear procedures for providing services. 2) The study of knowledge management about cannabis ancient medicinal formulas for medicinal purposes found that: knowledge management of ancient medicinal formulas on cannabis for medicinal purposes, consists of 3 parts: (1) knowledge management goals (2) The knowledge management of cannabis ancient medicinal formulas for medicinal purposes was found that the Panjathat medicinal formula consisted of 5 parts candle 3 parts, 5 Koti 2 parts, 2 moons 4 parts, saffron 1 part, cardamom. 2 parts, clove 3 parts, moonflower 1 part, Luk Chan 1 part, Cha-plu 2 parts, the total is 19 parts, then mix Pang (all 5 marijuana) all 4 marijuana except flowers 34.4 parts and cannabis flowers 0.1 parts. to be extracted as medicine From the group discussion, it was concluded that according to the Royal Gazette that said Cannabis or cannabis plants and objects or substances contained in the cannabis plant and extracts containing tetrahydrocannabinol not more than 0.02%, not classified as drug category 5, and 3) Create a knowledge management model of cannabis ancient medicinal formulas for the treatment of diseases was found that The knowledge management model of ancient medicinal formulas Regarding medicinal cannabis, it consists of 4 components: principles and rationale, objectives, content and knowledge management of ancient medicinal formulas. on cannabis for medicinal purposes The evaluation results of the draft knowledge management model on ancient medicinal formulas on cannabis for medicinal purposes suitability Overall was at a high level. possibility Overall was at a high level. and usefulness Overall was at the highest level.
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