4C's Marketing Mix that Affects Consumers' Diamond Buying Decisions in Thailand through Online Channels
4C's Marketing Mix; , Deciding to Buy Diamonds OnlineAbstract
Nowadays, entrepreneurs have adopted technology to play a role in communicating through the Internet, which is a medium for conducting online business, as well as having new marketing plans and ideas. Give customers options and compare products or services. It has adapted to the online age. To apply the customer's perspective to do business through online channels. The objectives of this study are: 1) to study the 4C's marketing mix of consumer demand; (Consumer) that affects the decision to buy diamonds online 2) To study the 4C's marketing mix of consumer costs. (Cost) that affects the decision to buy diamonds online 3) To study the marketing mix 4C's on convenience that affects consumers' decision to buy diamonds online, and 4) to study the marketing mix of consumers' communication. Communication that results in the decision to buy diamonds online. The sample used in this research was consumers who bought diamonds online in Thailand. 400 people using a Google Form query used to collect data. Statistics used in the analysis include inferential statistics and analysis of research assumptions related to market mix factors. 4C's that affect your decision to buy diamonds online Using statistical tools, i.e. analyzing correlation coefficients. Pearson Finds relationships Between the 4C's market mix and purchasing decisions, and creating an online marketing mix forecasting equation is a forecaster. The statistics used are multiple regression analyses. The results of the hypothesis test showed that consumers who decided to buy diamonds online in Thailand with different ages, occupations, and monthly incomes made different decisions to buy diamonds online. The market mix (4C's) is consumer demand, consumer costs, convenience, and communication. It affects consumers' decisions to buy diamonds online in Thailand through online channels. Statistically significant at 0.5
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