Participatory Action Research for Development of Administration Procurement for Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahasarakham University
Action Research; , Supply Management;, ParticipatoryAbstract
Parcel operations face difficulties in procurement, control, and distribution. Which have different practices and personnel, executives, and lack of knowledge and understanding of parcels. This study aimed: 1) to investigate the actual problems existing in the process of office supply management, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahasarakham University; and 2) to develop the process of office supply management, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahasarakham University. In particular, the study was conducted as action research based on Kemmis’s and McTaggart’s conceptual framework. Meanwhile, the research methodology was to investigate 2 annual rounds concerning Planning, Action, Observation, and Reflection. The participants in this study included a group of 6 researchers and 2 additional informants. In this study, workshop, law, and internal supervision were applied as useful strategic approaches. Besides, the research instrument for data collection consisted of minutes, an observation form, an interview form, an internal supervision form, and a questionnaire, and the target group for this study was 35 staffs of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahasarakham University. The triangulation technique was implemented for examining the data which was presented as a descriptive study, as well as the useful statistical approaches i.e. Mean and Standard Deviation were purposively applied. The results were found as follows. (1) The actual problems existing in the process of office supply management, at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahasarakham University, in 1st annual round, were revealed in 3 aspects as follows: 1) the staff’s performance; 2) rules and regulations; and 3) information system; The staff’s opinion toward the mentions problems was showed as ‘Well’. And (2) Regarding the development of the supply management in 2nd annual round, it was found that the procurement process, form online and search for regulation on the website created by the researchers to demonstrate the office supply management, procedures, and performance, had helped the staffs to understand more about the rules and regulations, so that their performance was improved and becomes more effective.
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