Guidelines for Developing Teachers' Performance Enhancement Disability Specific School Northeast under the Office of Special Education Administration
Efficiency Enhancing; , Teachers’ Performance; , Special Education; , Northeastern RegionAbstract
Personnel management in schools is the heart of the administration, the executives should pay attention because personnel management is a process of setting policies and regulations, and procedures for working with people in the organization by getting the right people, and maintaining an effective human resource in sufficient quantity. Likewise, the current teacher development focuses on developing competencies as a foundation for personnel to change and adjust working methods under professional standards. The purpose of this research; (1) To study the current and desirable conditions, necessary needs, and the efficiency enhancement of official performance of teachers at the special schools with disabilities in the Northeastern Region under the Office of Special Education Administration. And (2) To study the developmental approaches for the efficiency enhancement of the official performance of teachers at the Northeastern Disability Special Schools under the Office of Special Education Administration. The research is divided into two phases; The first phase studied the current and desirable conditions, the necessary needs, and the enhancement of the efficiency of government performance of teachers at the special schools with disabilities in the Northeastern Region under the Office of Special Education Administration. The sample consisted of 290 people, classified as 36 school administrators and 254 teachers. The research tool was a questionnaire with a 5-point estimation scale, the reliability was 0.89. And the second phase studied the developmental approaches for the efficiency enhancement of civil service performance of teachers at the Northeastern Disability Specific Schools under the Office of Special Education Administration. The target group is 10 experts. The research tools were interviews and assessments of the suitability and feasibility of the approaches, with a reliability of 0.95. The results showed that; (1) The average current condition is at a moderate level, while the overall desirable condition is at a high average level, and the needs are in order from the highest to the lowest as follows: Teaching and learning management, self-development and professional development, classroom management, respectively. And (2) Guidelines for the development of the efficiency enhancement of government performance of teachers at the Northeastern Disability Special Schools under the Office of Special Education Administration, consisting of; (a) teaching and learning management, (b) Classroom management, (c) self-development and professional development, and the evaluation results of suitability and overall feasibility were at a high level.
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