Takraw: From Folk Game to the International Sport





Folk Game; , The International Sport; , Takraw


From past to present, Takraw evolution has been developed continuously and is also well-known as an international sport instead of folk game. According to several pieces of evidence, It is a sport that has existed throughout Thai history since the Prehistoric era, the Sukhothai era, the Ayutthaya era and the Rattanakosin era, and modern history. Nowadays, Takraw has developed into many tournaments and competition styles. Takraw is mainly divided into two types as Sepak-takraw and Rhythmic Sepak-takraw. Rhythmic Sepak-takraw is an aesthetic type of Takraw. Players need to show their skills as well as a variety of playing styles. The ball is not allowed to fall. Sepak-takraw is a competitive type of Takraw. It is played with a net which is divided into the defensive and offensive side. Sepak-takraw competition consists of Men and Women Single Regu, Men and Women Team, Men and Women Double, Beach Takraw, Beach Team, Beach Single Regu, Men and Women Quad (4 people). While the rhythmic Sepak-Takraw player is required to show the right styles to earn the point. Rhythmic Sepak-Takraw competition consists of Hoop Takraw (Traditional Thai rules), International Hoop Takraw, Chinlone Takraw, and Sepak-takraw Circle Game Rules and Regulations. As Takraw is getting its place as an international sport, it needs to continuously develop its rule and competition styles. The International Takraw Association should develop an international rule as the international tournaments need an acceptable regulation. This is the first step to Olympic game.


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How to Cite

Poompin, K. ., & Vongsrangsap, S. . (2023). Takraw: From Folk Game to the International Sport. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(2), 523–536. https://doi.org/10.14456/iarj.2023.88


