Fostering Community Participation in Solving Drug Abuse in the Broken Families in the Roi Kaen Sarasin Provincial Group
Strengthening Community Engagement; , Tackling Drug Addiction; , Broken FamiliesAbstract
The situation of the problem and the exploration of the prevention and treatment of drug problems are becoming more and more serious. One of the three causes is likely to be family problems that affect drug use by adolescents. However, the child's social learning and social adjustment do not occur naturally but are influenced by the family if the family is defective, it will affect the family members lacking balance, which affects the development of personality. That is inappropriate and leads to drug-related behaviors. Therefore, this research has a purpose; (1) To study the causes of family drug addiction in the Roi Kaen Sarasin Province group. (2) To study the influence of family factors such as family pattern, family functioning, family relationship, family parenting style, and family rift on drug use in broken families in Roi Kaen Sarasin Provincial Group. And (3) To analyze the development of standard criteria for enhancing community participation in resolving drug problems in families that are divided in Roi Kaen Sarasin Province Group. The cohort is the community and target group of 40 key informants, which is qualitative research. Research tools consisted of focus groups, and in-depth interviews. The data were analyzed using qualitative analysis. The results showed that; (1) The problematic state of drug addiction is caused by four main reasons: (a) caused by ignorance, (b)caused by deceit, (c)caused by physical and mental illness, and (d)environmental and familial causes such as bad friendships, Live near a community where drug traffickers or family members use them. (2) Impact at the family level, the drug user has no responsibility for the family, neglects to perform their duties, causing trouble to the family, and affects the economic situation because part of the family's money will be wasted on drugs uselessly. Troubles against the family cause the family to be condemned and damage the family's reputation. (3) The community's prevention and solution to drug problems are different in the following matters; (a) the size of the community area, (b) the population of the community, (c) the urban and rural communities, (d) the environment and family of the community, and (e) the community presence within the cluster area. Roi Kaen Sarasin Province is a community in an area with a variety of community lifestyles in the Northeast region.
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