Focusing on Rights and Choices of Pregnant Women According to the Constitution, Research Studied Cases of Abortion According to Thai Law
Rights; , Abortion; , Constitution; , CriminalAbstract
Focusing on the rights and choices of pregnant women according to the Constitution, this research studied cases of abortion according to Thai law. This was a documentary study combined with interview data from anonymous children and adolescents. The criminal law was amended to allow women with a pregnancy of no more than 12 weeks to seek an abortion. Moreover, it is legal for pregnant women to seek an abortion owing to their health problems or criminal acts. Information of foreign laws in accordance with Found that in each country, Can be done legally based on the end of pregnancy and within the period, such as being able to end of South Africa for the mother's health for 12 weeks. It is also legal for adolescents to get an abortion if they are not ready yet. However, it is still unclear what government organization provides abortion services to pregnant women. Therefore, uncertified providers of abortion are more easily accessible to women who need to terminate their pregnancy. The results revealed that many pregnant women were aware of their rights and were able to seek their own solutions from themselves, their families, and those whom they trusted. They also hoped to seek an abortion from government healthcare providers. Thus, related government organizations should clearly understand the law and rights regarding abortion to solve or prevent problems before they occur.
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