Empowerment of Organizations and Social Innovations to Local Development of Prototype Personnel: People of the King, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University
Corporate Competence; , Social Innovation; , Local DevelopmentAbstract
Upgrading production and developing manpower to become social entrepreneurs according to the needs of the area (Area Based and Community) focuses on creating and developing highly skilled personnel according to local needs, which is one of the preparations of Rajabhat Mahasarakham University to support the development of a Rajabhat University for local development. Thus, this study aims to (1) The organization's ability to contribute to local development, (2) the capacity for social innovation to local development, and (3) the opinions on the importance of local development. This is quantitative research. The research population is the role model personnel of the King for local development. Rajabhat Mahasarakham University, 88 people, and the sample in the research were The King's Model Personnel for Local Development Rajabhat Mahasarakham University, 73 people. The research tools were questionnaires and analyze quantitative data with descriptive research by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and qualitative data analysis by descriptive. The results showed that: Prototype personnel, the King's People towards Local Development, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University has an opinion about the capabilities of the organization as a whole, in terms of social innovation leadership, corporate culture building, development to innovators, organizational structure, innovation organization atmosphere in a high level. Prototype personnel, the King's People towards Local Development, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University has an opinion about overall social innovation, community needs a response, change in community trajectory for the better, and spread of innovation to other communities in a high level. Opinion on the importance of local development overall was at the highest level, in terms of social Development, economic development, environmental development, educational Development, and development of art and culture, that is 4 aspects are at the highest level and 1 aspect is at the high level. Therefore, enhancing the capabilities of the organization, and building organizational capabilities to promote social innovation capabilities to local development. The Emphasis should be placed on social innovation leadership, a corporate culture that promotes social innovation, and development of innovators, an organizational structure that promotes the organization of social innovation, and a corporate climate of social innovation to bring about social innovation competence of personnel and contribute to further local development.
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