Relationship Between Rowing Time, Sitting up, Push-ups and Pulse Rate of Rowing Athletes, Mixed Team Type, Senior Rowing Club, Samut Prakan Province
Rowing Duration; , Sit Up; , Pull Up; , Heart RateAbstract
Sport is of great importance to the life of the individual and the life of the country. Rowing is a sport that uses endurance and muscular strength as important factors, in which team relations and rowing skills are a factor in the work of the body to be able to row quickly or Do as little time as possible when reaching the finish line. The purpose of this research was to study the relationship between 100 meters rowing duration and two-minute sit-up, two-minute push-up, heart rates after a three-minute step up and down, rest heart rates, and differences of heart rate between max heart rate and rest heart rate of Dragon Boat Master Samutprakarn Club, mixed team rowing players. The sample was Dragon Boat Master Samutprakarn Club, a mixed team, who were 5 men and 5 females, and they were selected specialize sampling. Material research was 100 meters rowing test, a 2-minute sit-up test, a 2-minute push-up test, a heart rate after 3 minutes step up and down test, a rest heart rate test, and differences finding of max heart rate and rest heart rate. Analyzed data were computer programs. The results were (1) Correlation coefficient between 100 meters of rowing and 2 minutes sit up of the Dragon Boat Master Samutprakarn Club, mixed team rowing players was -0.671 at the significantly different levels of .05. (2) Correlation coefficient between 100 meters of rowing and 2 minutes push up of the Dragon Boat Master Samutprakarn Club, mixed team rowing players was -0.558 at no significant different level of .05. (3) Correlation coefficient between 100 meters of rowing and heart rate after 3 minutes step up and down of the Dragon Boat Master Samutprakarn Club rowing players was 0.112 at no significant different level of .05. (4) Correlation coefficient between 100 meters rowing and rest heart rate of the Dragon Boat Master Samutprakarn Club, mixed team rowing players was 0.712 at the significantly different levels of .05. And (5) Correlation coefficient between 100 meters rowing and differences of max heart rate and rest heart rate of the Dragon Boat Master Samutprakarn Club, mixed team rowing players was -0.450 at the no significant different level of .05.
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