Integrative Process Innovation for Formulation Human Resource Development to Enhance the Skills Needed in the 21st Century on the Basis of Ethnic Diversity Sakon Nakhon Province
Process Innovation; , Human Resources; , 21st Century; , Ethnic GroupsAbstract
In the 21st century, human beings are faced with a dynamic environment. Technological advancement as a result of the development of scientific knowledge leads to modern innovations all the time. This article aims to study an innovative, integrative process for human resource development modeling to enhance necessary skills in the 21st century based on ethnic diversity in Sakon Nakhon Province. Ethnic groups living in Sakon Nakhon Province consist of the Tai Yo tribe, the Phu Tai tribe, the Tai Yoi tribe, and the Tai Ka So tribe. Tai Ka Loeng Tribe and Thai Lao people Each tribe has different traditions and traditions. But what they have in common is the production of indigo-dyed fabric. which almost all ethnic groups have inherited from their ancestors Bringing the skills needed in the 21st century to use both skills in using technology. adaptive skills to current situations creative thinking skills and skills to learn all the time It is an innovative, integrative process where ethnic groups in Sakon Nakhon Province pass on knowledge from the old generation to the new generation to keep up with the rapid changes in today's world.
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