The Development of Academic Achievement on The Thai Society Topic Through Learning Activities by Using Cooperative Learning Techniques with the STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisions) Technique for Muttayomsuksa 3 students of Inburi School
Learning activities by using cooperative learning techniques; , Academic Achievement; , SatisfactionAbstract
Student Teams-Achievement Divisions is a group process of learning by dividing students with different abilities to help working each other and brainstorm. Everyone plays a part in the team's success. These enable students to achieve, collaborate, be encouraged, and be intelligent, virtuous, and happy. The research aimed to the development of academic achievement and satisfaction of Muttayomsuksa 3 students of Inburi School based on the form of cooperative learning with the STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisions) technique. The sample group used consisted of 23 Muttayomsuksa 3/3 students of Inburi School in the first semester of 2022 obtained by using the classroom as the random sampling unit. The instruments used were 13 plans of learning management, the academic achievement assessment test of 30 items, and satisfaction questionnaires of 20 items. The statistics used consisted of mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The results of the research indicated that the level of students' academic achievement based on cooperative learning techniques with the STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisions) technique after the study was higher than the one of the pre-studies with statistical significance at the level of .05. Moreover, students' satisfaction was at the highest level.
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