Guidelines for School Administration to Promote and Develop Vocational Skills of Disability-Specific Schools under the Office of Special Education Administration Lopburi Province




School Administration;, Disability-specific Schools; , Promote and Develop Professional Skills


Life skills are very important in living life because life skills are related to the quality of life of everyone as a basis for solving life problems that arise for individuals, families, and society, and countries and global societies affect the quality of the population as a whole. This research aims to; (1) study at the level of school administration to promote and develop school vocational skills specifically for disabilities. (2) study guidelines for developing school administration to promote vocational skills of students with disabilities. And (3) compare the opinions of teachers and educational personnel on the educational institute administration development approach to promote the occupational skills of students with disabilities classified by sex, age, and work experience. The population used in this research were 134 administrators and teachers of schools with disabilities under the Office of Special Education Administration. The research tool was a questionnaire on the school administration to promote and develop vocational skills. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and F-test. The results showed that; (1) The school administrations to promote and develop school vocational skills specifically for disabilities, in general, was at a high level. (2) The overall educational institution administration development guideline has been developed to be flexible following the context of the area. The courses that teach vocational skills are in line with local occupations and respond to social changes. Develop a curriculum integrating the teaching of professional skills by incorporating the philosophy of sufficiency economy into integration with other subject skills. Teaching and learning for students to practice. Teaching and learning for students to learn from a variety of learning sources. Learning management for students to have the opportunity to learn about a variety of professional skills that are suitable for students. And (3) to compare the opinions of teachers and educational personnel towards the educational institute administration development guidelines found that; (a) Classified by gender variables, overall and by aspect, it was found that curriculum development, teaching and learning management, personnel development, and coordination were not different. (b) Classified by age variable found that there was a statistical difference at the.05 level. And (c) classified by variables, overall work experience and resource allocation, personnel development, and morale was significantly different at.05.


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How to Cite

Malakulta, C. . (2023). Guidelines for School Administration to Promote and Develop Vocational Skills of Disability-Specific Schools under the Office of Special Education Administration Lopburi Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 123–140.


