Members’ Attitudes towards Decision to Use Loan Services from Sakon Nakhon Savings Cooperatives of the Government Officials of Educational Ministry, Co., Ltd.
Attitude; , Decision Making for Service; , Credit; , Savings Cooperatives; , Civil Servants under the Ministry of Education Sakon Nakhon Co., Ltd.Abstract
The Government Savings Cooperative under the Ministry of Education, Sakon Nakhon Co., Ltd. provides loan services to government members who have financial difficulties or need money. The cooperative is open to members who wish to use credit services. Apply for a loan according to the rules of the cooperative. The selection of credit services for members of the Government Savings Cooperative may have different reasons or needs. The purpose of this research is (1) To study the level of attitude toward credit service selection and the level of decision-making in credit service selection of members of the Government Savings Cooperative. (2) To compare the decision to use credit services of members of the government savings cooperative classified by personal characteristics. And (3) To study the influence of attitudes on decision-making in choosing credit services of members of the government savings cooperative. The sample group consisted of 282 members of the Government Savings Cooperative under the Ministry of Education Sakon Nakhon Limited. The tool for collecting data is a questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that: (1) Attitudes towards decision-making in selecting credit services of the Government Savings Cooperative as a whole were at a high level. And decision-making in selecting credit services of government savings cooperatives as a whole was at a high level. (2) The decision to choose credit services of the members of the government savings cooperative found that there were differences according to the level of education with statistical significance at the .05 level, there were no differences in personal characteristics in terms of sex, age, marital status, work experience, and salary rate. And (3) Attitude factors on exposure to news through various media influence decision-making in choosing credit services at statistical significance at the .01 level. And personality factors influence decision-making in choosing credit services with statistical significance at the .05 level, which can together predict the level of decision-making in choosing credit services at 62.60% (R2Ad=.626). Attitude, experience, influence from family and friends, and marketing tools did not influence decision-making for credit service selection.
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