Application of Local Wisdom of Durian Cultivation on Highland for Promoting the Community Economy in Chanthaburi Province
Application; , Folk Wisdom; , Durian; , Community EconomyAbstract
Durian cultivation or durian production in Pong Nam Ron District is therefore more difficult than in normal plain areas. In addition to the aforementioned areas, many other factors affect such as production problems, ever-changing weather, natural disasters, and prolonged drought, which affects the quality. and low productivity, coupled with higher production costs. Therefore, this study has the objectives (1) to study local wisdom in planting durian on the highlands to drive the community economy in Chanthaburi Province. (2) To study the application of local wisdom in planting durian on the highlands to drive the community economy in Chanthaburi Province. And (3) to create a manual for transferring durian planting wisdom on the highlands to communities in Chanthaburi province. This research used culturally qualitative research methods, field observations, interviews, and focus group discussions. Analyze data in a descriptive analysis method. The results found that; (1) The context of the research area is hilly and undulating, between 252–353 m above sea level, originally fertile soil. The wisdom of planting and caring for durian has been passed down for a long time, from breed selection, planting methods, watering, fertilizing, prevention and elimination of various diseases, as well as taking care of the yield. Nowadays, farmers mainly grow Monthong durian because there is a market in China to support the production. (2) The application of folk wisdom in durian planting on the land consists of 8 things as follows; (a) adjusting the condition of the area to be convenient for management, (b) building a floating pool, (c) switching to electric motor pumps, (d) fertilizing through sprinklers to save time and labor, (e) technology to help pollinate durian flowers, (f) the use of colored fang ropes to tie the branches to the durian to help memory, (g) innovation of double durian planting, and (h) using bamboo to support branches and durian trees to prevent them from being broken by storms. And (3) the results of the operation have prepared a manual for durian production in the highlands by applying local wisdom in durian cultivation in the highlands to drive the community economy in Chanthaburi Province.
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